
+1, infusion and exotic shards are at odds with each other (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, June 23, 2016, 15:10 (3166 days ago) @ slycrel

This is brought on by exotics primarily coming from 3 of coins. Almost always I want to infuse rather than shard my exotics, meaning I don't have a source of exotic shards coming in.

This is... odd to me. I play a lot, though, so I'm burning through 60-80 three of coins per week, and taking home 5-15 exotics (all 334 or 335) at this point, and I've got well over 40 shards stashed away right now.

My strategy has been the following:

For most game modes, the light level of your exotic really doesn't matter. I guess if you raid a lot you'd want a 335 black spindle, 335 touch of malice, maybe a 335 sleeper simulant, and a 335 something else you like to use as a primary weapon for fights where you don't need those other guns? In PvP it literally doesn't matter outside of trials and iron banana, but in those the only exotic that is really worth anything is MIDA. Every other slot is outclassed by good roll legendaries.

So that's 5 exotics that I could view as "important" (or 4 if you use MIDA as your raid primary too). Anything else will drop again for me at a higher light level if I keep using 3 of coins, so I just shard it when the higher light version drops.

I've been stockpiling shards unintentionally for months now, and have well over 40 shards, almost every exotic (I just got Fabian Strategy and Telesto last night, so I'm now missing only the fire and void swords), and most of those are at 335.

I recommend doing it this way if you want to build a stash of shards.

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