
I was just having the opposite thought (Off-Topic)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Saturday, July 16, 2016, 11:06 (3052 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Outside of a game or two I haven't really purchased any games for my PS4. It just sits there and I occasionally fire it up to play stuff that came free with PS+.

I suppose it's just where people are playing. All my friends are on XBL and that's just where I'm going to gravitate to.

Oh and the elite controller helps.

I'm probably not going to actually get rid of it... I still have plenty of games TO play on it. It's more of a when the VR/4K generation drops, I'm probably going to go for the Scorpio over the Neo. It sounds like my current PS4 will do just fine playing whatever random local multiplayer Indie games I end up getting for it.

The question is, is the new Zelda, that finally looks interesting for the first time since OOT, worth the NX?

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