
A good series ruined (Gaming)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Thursday, August 25, 2016, 11:17 (3016 days ago) @ kidtsunami

This strategy is terribly weak, and likely won't convince anyone adding micro-transactions to stop. It doesn't at all address typically weak human will, especially when they're born and raised in a materialistic focused culture.

Better reason to make a strong Cody-like stance: if you buy the game and avoid the micro-transactions, next time they may just make it harder to avoid them.

If a game like this came out and sold absolutely zero micro transactions I'm pretty sure it would send a strong signal.

I doubt this would ever work. Absolutely zero transactions? Are you joking?

Better to take a stronger stance now and boycott the game.

I assume a successful boycott of this game is just as likely as boycotting the micro-transactions absolutely.

Well sure. We're too excited to play Mankind Divided.

EDIT: oh but the possibilities. Mankind Divided, an excellent game, suffering poor sales because of micro transactions.

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