
So aboot microtransactions... (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, September 02, 2016, 14:14 (2853 days ago) @ Korny

My confession is I'm one of those people--you know, part of the problem. I've bought multiple physical copies of Destiny because I wanted the physical ghost, the strange coin, etc. (Yet I've never used one of my Destiny discs, and I've played on all four consoles.) I own all the emotes on two platforms. I never bought multiple copies of anything to increase my chances of getting something (like certain Festival masks), but I have bought one of everything, methinks. (I also own enough Destiny shirts to last several weeks, but that's not really relevant.) I've preordered RoI on both platforms.

The bottom line is that when I consider all the money I've spent on the game, and when I weigh that against the fun I've already had, it's still a good deal.

Disclaimer: this is not meant to criticize anyone who hates microtransactions, nor is it meant to encourage anyone to spend more than they think is reasonable or more than they can afford.

Regardless of one's opinion on Microtransactions being a good or bad thing, nobody should tell you that you're wrong for getting things for yourself, nor should you feel like you have to justify it to anyone. If you've got disposable income, spend it as you see fit, especially if it only increases your enjoyment of something.

If a game gives me tons of fun, I'll happily throw more money at it after paying full price (I mean, look at how much money Sammy and I sank into Mass Effect 3). Heck, for all of my praise at Warframe being 100% free and without paywalls, the $80 Prime Access pack is a no-brainer for me, because I love what the devs have done, and I want to continue to support that.
Does that make me a part of the problem? Only if one thinks that there is a problem, and I don't. Ultimately I won't be convinced to stop supporting people that provide me with a good service.

Heck, Sammy hasn't played Destiny much since The Taken King launched, but she has always logged on and bought Silver the moment that an Emote that she liked has been made available (and in response, I bought Silver just to get the Facepalm emote for every new dance of hers).

The guilt implied by the my first sentence was feigned--I don't feel guilty. Destiny is one of my main hobbies. I'm invested on several levels. I understand the concern about pay to play or pay to win and the potential conflict between monetizing a game and making a game fun. I think Bungie's done a good job juggling these issues.

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