
So aboot microtransactions... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, September 02, 2016, 15:16 (2853 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Regardless of one's opinion on Microtransactions being a good or bad thing, nobody should tell you that you're wrong for getting things for yourself, nor should you feel like you have to justify it to anyone. If you've got disposable income, spend it as you see fit, especially if it only increases your enjoyment of something.

Yes, because the guy who spends 25 million dollars on a house is totally in the right, when he could spend a million on a really good house that's great and comfortable, and invest the other 24 million into business or charity.

I'm sorry, but that analogy just doesn't line up for me. Like, at all. I think I get where you are going with it but...

In certain circumstances, spending your money on yourself becomes a moral question when you reach levels of excess.

That is very true! However everyone defines their own level of excess. I know my level of excess because there comes a point where my ratio of money spent to enjoyment goes down.

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