
Which Snipers Should I Drop?(Text Wall) (Destiny)

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Friday, November 18, 2016, 06:25 (3019 days ago)

I'm at 108, and 30 for every slot in weapons. I'm officially in danger of missing important engrams.

I've been trying to trim the fat, but it just seems to grow back immediately. So a thought occurred--I have too many snipers. I'm terrible at them, I only use them in specific situations, and there are FAR too many for them ALL to be worth something. So with that in mind, I'm going to post every single non-exotic sniper I have, and leave the trimming to you guys. It isn't like last time, where everything was a duplicate--there are very few, if any--duplicates here. So please make sure to pay attention to them!! I will include numbers, for your listing convenience.
For now, I'm just adding main perks. If you want to know more about one, like scopes or modifiers, let me know.

Okay, so shall we begin?

1. The Laughing Heart--Firefly/Grenadier.

2. Seventh Sense--Grenadier/Spray and Play and Firefly.

3. But Not Forgotten--Hidden Hand/Army of One.

4. Her Fury--Eye of the Storm and Firefly.

5. Y-09 Longbow Synthesis--Guerilla Fighter and Unflinching.

6. 1000 Yard Stare--Army of One and Hidden Hand

7. 1000 Yard Stare--Army of One and Firefly

8. The Laughing Heart--Firefly/Grenadier.(might have to add the specifics later...)

9. But Not Forgotten--Perfect Balance and Firefly/Grenadier.

10. But Not Forgotten--Hidden Hand/Grenadier.

11. 20/20 AMR7--Unflinching and Mulligan.

12. Extrasolar RR4--Army of One and Firefly.

13. Eirene RR 4--Army of One and Battle Runner.

14. Eirene RR 4--Luck In the Chamber and Shoot to Loot.

15. Stillpiercer.

16. 20/20 AMR7--Hidden Hand and Shoot to Loot.

17. Her Benevolence--Clown Cartridge and Shoot to Loot.

18. Subtle Nudge DN7--Rodeo and Surplus.

19. Violator XII--Outlaw and Shoot to Loot.

20. Y-09 Longbow Synthesis--Unflinching and Firefly.

Take your pick!

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