
i've been trying to pull my group away from COD for years... (Gaming)

by Durandal, Monday, November 28, 2016, 15:42 (3005 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

My friends have a vary limited time to play, one to two evenings a month we get together for 2-3 hours for a gaming marathon after the kids are asleep.

they don't have time to grind. They don't have time to raid. COD was a nice, familiar safe zone for them. They didn't need to train to much to learn a new game, even through COD editions, and they seldom unlocked all the guns anyway so it wasn't to big an issue.

I've been trying to get them into different, less twitchy shooters for some time. Destiny ended up being too fast and to grindy, but Evolve, Titanfall, and Overwatch have worked. Overwatch's zero grind is especially appealing to them.

For everyone who wants to specialize and stream, there a are a bunch of "filthy casuals" who just want to mess around with their buddies every once and a while. Sadly, this demographic always gets swamped by the hardcore 24/7 gamers. They have all the prestige, money and pull people in.

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