
Another tangent: keyboard and mouse on console. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, February 10, 2017, 23:28 (2934 days ago) @ squidnh3
edited by cheapLEY, Saturday, February 11, 2017, 00:06

Blizzard stirred up some shit with its comments on keyboard and mice on consoles.

What are your thoughts on this? Does fairness and an equal playing field trump personal preference or even accessibility?

I saw lots of comments from people saying things like, "If you want to use a mouse, play on PC," as if spending a thousand dollars on a gaming rig is a totally necessary and justifiable barrier to using your preferred input method.

I just don't get the outrage here, and it feels like people being whiny babies for no reason. It's not unfair when anyone could just as easily use a mouse if they wanted to. It'd be like saying it's totally unfair for someone to play Elite Dangerous with a HOTAS and in VR when I use an Xbox controller.

And FWIW, I hate keyboard and mouse control for everything beyond RTS and strategy games, so it's not like I'm just blindly defending my preferred input method.

Anyway, I guess really I just wanted to stir the pot and see how you all felt.

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