
I think it's artistic license (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Monday, March 06, 2017, 19:19 (2864 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by DiscipleN2k, Monday, March 06, 2017, 19:54

Yeah, as soon as I posted that I thought about how problematic it would be in gameplay--the game doesn't know where your eyes are trying to focus.

I'd be curious about whether it would help or hinder the experience if they figured out how to do that with VR someday.

I seem to remember someone talking about doing this years ago. They'd track where your eyes were focused and slightly fuzz everything in your peripheral vision. The main purpose was to save processing power, but it worked to make things a bit more realistic, as well.

I'll post a link if I can find it, but I'm supposed to be working so I may or may not end up tracking it down.


Edit: Got it. Foveated Rendering. The article is only a few months old, but I'm fairly certain it's been a thing for at least a couple of years.

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