
^ This (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Monday, March 06, 2017, 20:40 (2864 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

b/c....record books?

I'm a bit torn about this. I LOVE VoG, and I'd even love an updated Crota's End as well. I just hope that there is something new being brought to the table. Maybe modifiers and/or burns, new encounters... I don't know. Something other than the exact same raids we already have but now with level 400 loot. We'll know more soon enough :)

Honestly, if the VoG had level light level 400 loot it'd get me back into Destiny for a little while. WotM was a well done raid, but the encounters just lack something that the VoG encounters had, and none of the other paths to 400 really entice me.

Also, I don't have a compelling reason to try and get to 400, especially now that I know my character's light level won't carry over to D2... Tho' if I could make it there in the VoG? I might just try for the fun of it. (huh, interesting)

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