
Chappy's non-DBO team: (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Wednesday, March 29, 2017, 13:35 (2887 days ago) @ Chappy
edited by Chappy, Wednesday, March 29, 2017, 13:52

We had two warlocks on the team, so their job was to nova the yellow-bar knights in the beginning to ensure there were 12 orbs of light on the ground for everyone else. Two defender titans with blessing bubbles for safety, and two Golden Gun hunters that turned out to be critical. We discovered that a Celestial knighthawk Golden gun shot will immediately down Crota, so that meant that the two hunters and the runner could be the only ones involved in the Crota fight. The other 3 were on Oversoul and boomer/wizard duty.

After clearing the initial room, we went right. Defender titan popped a bubble at the corner at the top of the stairs for extra shielding. "Distraction bubbles" didn't seem to work anymore. The first sword-bearing guardian ran out and grabbed the chalice, then grabbed the sword. The rest of the fire team helped with the adds and sword-bearer kill. The sword runner then moved to the right-side position and let the hunters know he was starting their run to Crota. The hunters would watch his progress and drop Crota as the guardian got close. Crota seems to want to get up VERY quickly now. We were usually getting only two hits, three when we thought our timing was "perfect". At this point, the four guardians not involved in the second downing cleared the Oversoul (machine guns preferred). The second hunter would still be watching the sword bearer, who would have retreated to the right for safety, but starts his second rush as the Oversoul is still up. As he gets close, the second hunter drops Crota with a golden gun. We probably had 5 good slams per sword bearer.

We repeated this for the second cycle (with a new sword bearer). The hunters were not running the sword. After downing Crota two more times (another 5 slams), we pushed into the right side Ogre spawn and got up on the doors. We finished off the close Ogre, then the far Ogre with snipers, then moved back into position on the right side.

The third sword bearer was our last (and best runner). It was the same process - 3 guardians killing boomers, the wizard, and the Oversoul. One hunter ready to drop Crota for the first run (then focus on the Oversoul), and the second hunter ready for the second drop. The runner got in 3 hits and enraged Crota. At that point an errand wizard nearly wrecked us, but a final down and final 3 blows for success.

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