
Not necessary (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 19:25 (2564 days ago) @ Cody Miller

If you were to say "There's around a 1:4 ratio of players who have completed a raid." Then folks will be like "What's the point of investing so many resources into a Raid then?"


I'm betting someone somewhere IS saying that. Guided Games is the response to it.

Less than half the people who play your game see the ending. Why are you spending money on the ending? This line of thought is ridiculous.

Sure sounds like it, but this line of thinking is exactly why Titanfall didn't have a campaign. According to Respawn's co-founder, Vince Zampella:

"We make these single-player missions that take up all the focus of the studio, that take a huge team six months to make, and players run through it in 8 minutes... And how many people finish the single-player game? It's a small percentage.

...Really, you split the team. They're two different games. They're balanced differently, they're scoped differently. But people spend hundreds of hours in the multiplayer experience versus 'as little time as possible rushing to the end' [of the campaign]. So why do all the resources go there? To us it made sense to put it here [in Multiplayer]. Now everybody sees all those resources, and multiplayer is better. For us it made sense."

Now Titanfall sucked enough on its own that it hemorrhaged its playerbase in months, but I doubt investors really blamed this as the fault of a lack of campaign, and it goes to show you that people really do have that kind of mentality. 22% might even seem like a decent number in some people's eyes, but if you add the number of Xbox players to the list, I bet that percentage would drop. Then you have a real problem trying to explain to the suits, investors, and playerbase why you're dedicating so many resources to the rarely-completed "premiere" experience of your game when the easily-made Microtransaction content is raking in the dough (as the emotes shown off so far show, Microtransactions are guaranteed to be back in Destiny 2, sorry Cody).

It's a pretty precarious situation, so ambiguity and carefully-chosen words are important, even if they mislead people with poor reading comprehension (some might say "especially if")..

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