
Not as salty as me. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 16:04 (2810 days ago) @ Kermit

Love ya, Raga, but I can't relate (and I've tried). There were probably technical reasons as well as business reasons for limiting the alpha to the PS4. I can understand disappointment and jealousy and railing against exclusivity in the video game industry as a problem. I can't understand treating it like a personal betrayal by Bungie. The alpha access was a very short-lived bonus.

It was a crappy thing to do to their fan base. I don't think really disputable.

I get the technical side. It may have been the most important factor. I get the financial/deal making side too. But Bungie didn't have to use Bungie Day to announce that a large group of their eager fans would have to watch the other group play first. I would not have been anywhere near as angry if we'd know that there would be an exclusive Alpha for as long as we knew there'd be a preorder based Beta. They could have told us long before they did. Or a day after they did. But no, they choose the exact wrong day to reveal that info.

The way they announced things this time was much better. Instead of keeping some things secret until just the wrong time, they announced all the dates together. On principle, I'm still not happy that my dollars and my preorder is worth a day less than a PS4 owners, but at least they were up front about it this time. That means a whole lot to me. It shows more respect. It shows they learned.

Anyway, I didn't bring all this up because I'm still mad. I did it more to poke some fun at myself. That's why in this same thread I made sure to link to my post of me preordering the Ghost Edition five hours later. And the thing is, I don't regret either of those posts and I stand fully behind them. :)

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