
Memorable Destiny moments (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, June 30, 2017, 12:37 (2792 days ago) @ Morpheus
edited by Kermit, Friday, June 30, 2017, 12:49

Yeah...it's been pretty rough. Pretty, pretty rough.

Wow. I don't want to play with the people you play with.

I've got bad news, man. All the items highlighted in blue?
Those were all DBO.

I remember when, one wipe at a time, someone different would troll and shoot at a Gorgon just so we'd have to start over.

I remember on Oryx when half the people there couldn't tell their left from their right.

or before then, the Daughters--where for twenty one wipes in a row, the only person "randomly" selected to be Torn Between Dimensions was the only one who didn't know how to jump. I also remember the one single time I got it, someone else rushed out and intentionally jumped on the wrong plate just to screw me. It was the first time I ever Rage Quit™![/b]

When everyone ignored the Templar teleport block(and by association, me) for three full years, and the ear-to-ear grin on my face when Bungie made it one of the Legendary challenges.


Fallen S.A.B.E.R., when my orb appeared on the square panel that opened up in the middle, and my teammates spent half the freaking boss fight trolling by reviving me over a bottomless pit over and over.

Oryx Challenge mode. 'nuff said.

Atheon, when three separate people grabbed a relic and were each killed by fall damage without even jumping.

I remember the Dethzamboni, where we'd destroy the spider mine before it exploded...then it would disappear...then it would come back and explode twice.

I remember the headaches I got (and still get) when people tell me running up to a boss with a sword is "fun."

I remember getting Weasel'd the second we defeated a raid boss.

When 11 of us were farming Undying Mind Nightfalls, and the only person in the whole event that even got an Imago Loop was the only person in the whole event that didn't want one.

Allll the way back when Rainbow Burn was a thing, and Nightfall existed...when we drained the Archon Priest's health down to zero, walked out thinking he was dead, then regenerating 75% of his health and killing us all in one shot.

The Nightfall quitting trick...when someone would go out, die, and we'd wait ten minutes for him to quit and come back, then go in and die even faster.

Crota Challenge--ALSO 'nuff said.

When I took charge and tried a new role in the Crota raid--without throwing a goddamn temper tantrum.

Atheon--when he teleported people who didn't want the relic, they'd just make us wipe instead of bothering to learn the damn thing.

Crota, the one beast that outsmarts even Bungie at every turn.(Then again, that's not hard. They still don't have the brains to fix him.)

When two kids whose Campaign kill/death ratios are somehow negative tell me to git gud.

When people actually thought the places where Aksis teleport would be ideal areas for cover.

When the very first(and only) time we complete Oryx challenge mode, four people inside the Aura of Immortality(including the holder which in that case was me) fall over dead from a Misadventure.

Warpriest challenge.

Did I mention Oryx challenge?

The spawns.

Gjallarhorn only...

Touch of Malice only...

Bringing back Vex Mythoclast...

Taking away Field Scout...

The loot system...

Heh. This kinda reminds me of that 70's PSA--I forgot the name of it, but it was something like 'when you lie with someone, you lie with every person they lay with' or something like that. The same thing could apply to raids! ;-D

Well, maybe you tend to remember things in a negative way or maybe people like to screw with you. I don't know. A lot of these don't seem like positive memories.

I do feel I need to talk with you about last night and the Warpriest incident, and I don't mind doing it publicly. I apologized for my outburst later but I don't know if you were still around to hear it. I'm apologizing now.

Some explanation: Yesterday sucked for a few reasons I won't get into and my well of positivity was at a low ebb. I was in a particularly bad mood and that's no one's fault but my own. It certainly wasn't anyone on the fireteam's fault.

Playing with Zero can be a little stressful for me sometimes because I do make mistakes, and he doesn't have much of a filter about expressing frustration--we've talked about it. All that said, I like Zero a lot and I like playing with him. I haven't played on the Xbox in a week or so, and wanted to play, and figured I could handle KF as long as I stuck to positions I was comfortable with. I've successfully taken the aura before, and I regret that I've avoided it so often, but last night definitely didn't feel like the right time or context for me to practice. If I'd been in a better mood, I wouldn't have taken Zero's pronouncing the raid a bad idea personally. I think anyone who raids with me knows I'm a pitbull and don't quit just because things aren't going well, but last night I was believing Zero, it wasn't a good idea for me to be playing. I felt like shit. I was on the verge of quitting, and that's saying something for me. And you, dear Morpheus, let's be honest, you don't have much of a filter either. You tend to talk nonstop, and I obviously didn't react well to your monologue about how easy taking the aura is. I know you weren't trying to be mean, and I'm sorry.

While I'm here, Chappy, you're one of the best raid leaders I've ever played with. Thanks for your guidance. Thanks to everyone for their patience last night. All in all, I had a good time and I think we did pretty well. I hope my lapses early on don't leave a lasting impression.

Morpheus, I hope you have better memories playing Destiny 2.

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