Memorable Destiny moments (Destiny)

by Oholiab @, Thursday, June 29, 2017, 13:41 (2793 days ago)

My personal quest to find all the dead ghosts has had me experiencing stories and environments from Destiny that I haven't experienced in a long time. As a result, I've been thinking a lot about the many memorable Destiny moments that I've had over the past several years. So I figured I'd start a thread in case others want to share.

Here are a few of mine in no particular order:

The first time through the Wall
I played the first mission during the beta, and I still remember the anticipation and excitement of going into and through the Wall, even though I had already seen footage of it. Waiting in the dark for the lights to come on, picking up that first gun, looting the first box for your special, coming out into the open world of the Divide. For me, that first mission was so much fun and really set the stage for the rest of the experience.

Setting foot on the Moon
Again, during the beta when it opened up for several hours. I've always been fascinated by the moon, so I think I just stood there, mesmerized, and said out loud, "I'm on the moon!". It was a powerful moment.

Reviving and being revived by my son
We play in the same room, and I remember we had this rough encounter, and he died. This fatherly instinct just kicked in, and I abandoned everything to go revive him. At some point he returned the favor, and it was a proud feeling.

Defeating Skolas in the nick of time
Skolas was the last piece we needed for our Y1 MoT. Dame117, Junior, and I had tried to defeat him in the last week, but he and I had to bail so she could get some help from real players. On the last night possible, Junior and I gave it another go with Monochrone, while Robot Chickens coached. With less than an hour remaining before the reset, we got it done.

Raiding the Vault of Glass
What stood out the first time through was the verticality of the level design. Still impressive. Oh, and getting Fatebringer the first time on my first time through made the rest of the group green with envy.

Raids with Robot
Like many of you, we wind up raiding with many of the same people due to time zones. Our raiding party almost always includes Robot, Rellekh, BeardFade, and UpNorth. Robot provides patient, thorough explanation of each encounter's mechanics for n00bs like me, and doesn't kick me from the party because I can't jump. Likewise, I think this group took every one of the Oholiabs through at least one Raid. If I recall, the youngest was 7 his first time through.

Strikes with Lawnmower
Much like Robot in the raids, Lawnmower often coached us through the strikes. I fondly recall the Nexus strategy of camping behind the rock while trying to avoid splash damage. Oh that splash damage...

Crucible games with BeardFade
If you have not played Crucible with Beard, you are missing out. His dry humor and commentary makes the experience that much better. We regularly refer to the occasion when he was about to swear, only to reign it in at the last moment due to young ears.

The time we randomly matched with DBOers in Crucible Doubles
We all danced and waved... until someone started shooting.

Teaching Life Lessons via the Cryptarch
There was this time...

There's so many others: Funkmon's random code word (that he failed to share with us ahead of time) during the Oryx encounter; the many clutch public events with Randos; the Last Array mission; exploring every nook and cranny of the game world.

As I look back, these moments were memorable primarily because of the people with whom I shared them. In this regard, I would say that Bungie was very successful in developing a "shared world shooter" that you want to play with your family and friends.

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