
TWAB — 08/24/17 - Snarky Summary (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, August 24, 2017, 23:22 (2732 days ago) @ UnrealCh13f

- That gamescon thing we talked about last week happened this week. Is happening this week. Happens this week? I don't know how timezones work.

- Deej had/has/will have a birthday.

- Back in the good old Pacific Standard Timezone, Some fancy lad named Word Otherword the goddamn 8th led us on a tour of the European Dead Timezone (I think that's what it's called). I don't know if there are spoilers because I'm so sure that there are spoilers that I'm not watching the thing!

- There's a trailer for the ride-along, which is weird.

- There's also a new trailer for the video game, which is normal.

- Someone with a boner for Helvetica made a "meet Cayde-6" trailer. Which is like 10 seconds long, but still manages to use more helvetica than any single video outside of Buzzfeed's "Nifty" column should ever have. Uh... I don't actually know what Nifty is and have never watched those videos with a notepad or anything of the sort. Just... so you know.

- And then they made a "meet the Spoiler" trailer, which is fucking impossible not to see as you scroll down. UGH Bungie, really? REALLY? You just throw that out there. Here's a new spoiler for you so you're not surprised when this spoiler shows up and now you know who the spoiler is. GREAT. Oh, and also the Spoiler has a pet Spoiler. So lame.

- Oh yeah, the PC "master race" will get the "beta" so they're displaying the "keyboard layout" or something. Whatever. Jerks.

- If you care about PAX at all, there's an entire chapter about it. They have a theater they've rented, several presentations they're giving, and a bunch of actual real information for attendees. Not at all like gamescon with it's possibly already happened schrodinger's video game state.

- Movies, one of which is called "Farewell Destiny." I didn't watch it. I didn't wanna cry. I TOLD MYSELF I WOULDN'T CRY.

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