Stupid Question: How do i add friends on Battlenet? (DBO)
I clicked on "add friends" in the battlenet app on my PC, and started typing in names from the PC clan roster, and every time, the send request button is greyed out.
I think i'm typing in the correct names, b/c in the roster, it lists a name, and then underneath is is your bungie name. For instance, on the roster, it shows my misspelled Battlenet name (b/c of character limits) but then shows my full bungie name underneath it.
does anyone else have this problem? can someone like Xenos (XenosKB) or Beorn confirm that their battlenet name is correct on the clan roster?
Complete thread:
- Stupid Question: How do i add friends on Battlenet? -
2017-08-29, 13:16
- Not a stupid question… Beorn#1403 -
2017-08-29, 13:26
- Thanks!, Schedonardus#1978
- Schedonnardus, 2017-08-29, 13:29
- Thanks!, Schedonardus#1978
- Speedracr513#1950
- Speedracer513, 2017-08-29, 13:27
- Slycrel#1833
- slycrel, 2017-08-29, 13:37
- ZackDark#1482 - ZackDark, 2017-08-29, 13:38
- TO think: Someone Somewhere got their name with #1337
- INSANEdrive, 2017-08-29, 13:40
- Yeah, I wish we could customize the #
- Pyromancy, 2017-08-29, 13:50
- Yeah, I wish we could customize the #
- BlackstarBSP#1883
- BlackstarBSP, 2017-08-29, 15:07
- Battle.net - Xenos, 2017-08-29, 15:23
- Blacktiger#1658 -
2017-08-29, 15:24
- Blacktiger#1658 -
2017-08-29, 16:12
- I'm too cheap
- Blackt1g3r, 2017-08-29, 16:19
- Try piracy. - Funkmon, 2017-08-29, 17:04
- I'm too cheap
- Blacktiger#1658 -
2017-08-29, 16:12
- cody#11193
- Cody Miller, 2017-08-29, 16:12
- RaichuKFM#1731 - RaichuKFM, 2017-08-29, 16:32
- Battle.Net Questions -
2017-08-29, 17:08
- Battle.Net Questions -
2017-08-29, 17:42
- You can use any name you want -
2017-08-29, 17:53
- Geeze. If I do join, by now it's going to be #123456789^E2
- INSANEdrive, 2017-08-29, 18:58
- It doesn't work like that. I'm funkmon#1744
- Funkmon, 2017-08-29, 19:49
- When did you sign up?Are numbers unique or just random sets?
- INSANEdrive, 2017-08-29, 21:03
- I think they are just per-name - Blackt1g3r, 2017-08-30, 09:33
- When did you sign up?Are numbers unique or just random sets?
- It doesn't work like that. I'm funkmon#1744
- Geeze. If I do join, by now it's going to be #123456789^E2
- You can use any name you want -
2017-08-29, 17:53
- Battle.Net Questions -
2017-08-29, 17:42
- DiscipleN2k#1491 - DiscipleN2k, 2017-08-29, 20:26
- dogcow#1741
- dogcow, 2017-08-30, 12:38
- HuskerAlpha#1574 - HuskerAlpha, 2017-09-01, 16:14
- Not a stupid question… Beorn#1403 -
2017-08-29, 13:26