Geeze. If I do join, by now it's going to be #123456789^E2 (DBO)
- No text -
Complete thread:
- Stupid Question: How do i add friends on Battlenet? -
2017-08-29, 13:16
- Not a stupid question… Beorn#1403 -
2017-08-29, 13:26
- Thanks!, Schedonardus#1978
- Schedonnardus, 2017-08-29, 13:29
- Thanks!, Schedonardus#1978
- Speedracr513#1950
- Speedracer513, 2017-08-29, 13:27
- Slycrel#1833
- slycrel, 2017-08-29, 13:37
- ZackDark#1482 - ZackDark, 2017-08-29, 13:38
- TO think: Someone Somewhere got their name with #1337
- INSANEdrive, 2017-08-29, 13:40
- Yeah, I wish we could customize the #
- Pyromancy, 2017-08-29, 13:50
- Yeah, I wish we could customize the #
- BlackstarBSP#1883
- BlackstarBSP, 2017-08-29, 15:07
- Battle.net - Xenos, 2017-08-29, 15:23
- Blacktiger#1658 -
2017-08-29, 15:24
- Blacktiger#1658 -
2017-08-29, 16:12
- I'm too cheap
- Blackt1g3r, 2017-08-29, 16:19
- Try piracy. - Funkmon, 2017-08-29, 17:04
- I'm too cheap
- Blacktiger#1658 -
2017-08-29, 16:12
- cody#11193
- Cody Miller, 2017-08-29, 16:12
- RaichuKFM#1731 - RaichuKFM, 2017-08-29, 16:32
- Battle.Net Questions -
2017-08-29, 17:08
- Battle.Net Questions -
2017-08-29, 17:42
- You can use any name you want -
2017-08-29, 17:53
- Geeze. If I do join, by now it's going to be #123456789^E2
- INSANEdrive, 2017-08-29, 18:58
- It doesn't work like that. I'm funkmon#1744
- Funkmon, 2017-08-29, 19:49
- When did you sign up?Are numbers unique or just random sets?
- INSANEdrive, 2017-08-29, 21:03
- I think they are just per-name - Blackt1g3r, 2017-08-30, 09:33
- When did you sign up?Are numbers unique or just random sets?
- It doesn't work like that. I'm funkmon#1744
- Geeze. If I do join, by now it's going to be #123456789^E2
- You can use any name you want -
2017-08-29, 17:53
- Battle.Net Questions -
2017-08-29, 17:42
- DiscipleN2k#1491 - DiscipleN2k, 2017-08-29, 20:26
- dogcow#1741
- dogcow, 2017-08-30, 12:38
- HuskerAlpha#1574 - HuskerAlpha, 2017-09-01, 16:14
- Not a stupid question… Beorn#1403 -
2017-08-29, 13:26