
Let's Play Life Is Strange Before The Storm Episode 1 (Gaming)

by Funkmon @, Friday, September 01, 2017, 15:57 (2641 days ago) @ Funkmon


This video will work in about three hours. If any of you follow the Rampancy.net Let's Plays with Narcogen and Blackstar, Blackstar has said he would rather play through the whole thing, and not do it as each episode comes out, so don't expect it for a few months.

I went off on very few rants, as this was my first playthrough of the game so I didn't have time to stew much, but also because this game was much better. Very few things made me upset like they did in the first game, and the weird quirks of awful recycled animations and bad acting are gone.

This is absolutely twice the game, technically, as the first one.

The first one was fun because it had a gimmick and it told a story of reconnecting with someone. For me, it sold me when I had some of the exact conversations with people after leaving and coming back to Michigan, plus some of the same Chloe and Max experiences.

This one is just the best choose your own adventure game I've played so far. I have zero of Raga's issues with stepping into Chloe. Max seemed bored with the world, so was just looking at stuff. She'd see a thing, then make a dumb comment, adding information neither about the world nor about her personality the majority of the time. Every time Chloe looks at something, she's curious, and there's a story there. Where Max looks at a medicine cabinet and says "wow, that's a lot of drugs," or something, Chloe looks at it and says "My mom is dying her hair to hide the grey hair for David. That must turn him off. I should dye my hair grey," or something.

The first LIS was great, for real, but it's like if your mom made a pizza. Good, it's pizza, but it doesn't compare to a real chef who knows pizza. At this point, I consider Deck Nine to have made a superior game to Don't Nod, but we'll see if it speaks to me like the first one.

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