
If you'd only take the time to read our principles... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, September 22, 2017, 09:15 (2672 days ago) @ Xenos

The Seven Tenets of the New Monarchy

1. To secure our walls against the enemy without.
2. To secure the rights and liberties of every upstanding citizen.
3. To sponsor the sciences of the City, and to salvage the ruins beyond, so that our Golden Age might be reborn.
4. To support the Guardian Orders by leading the City in technological innovation.
5. To support the natural harmony of the City, and to actively dissuade any group or individual that might disrupt that harmony.
6. To hold all individuals, compacts, and alliances to the highest standards of productivity and right behavior.
7. To, by vote of the Consensus, abolish the Consensus, and transfer ultimate power, in order that the rights and liberties of all citizens be secured, to a single sovereign of unimpeachable character.

And we know of how you began in the Golden Age. With your RECORD CHASM logs detailing dangerous, life threatening experiments meant to forewarn us of some approaching evil. Anyone who has studied the FWC's history will know they cannot not, MUST NOT, be rallied to.

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