
PS4 Players, go pick up another raid clangram! (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, September 22, 2017, 12:31 (2562 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I forgot to record my perspective last night. ):

Korny, Cody, and myself were the ones that went back to the real Throne room. Korny covered the left side, Cody and I were on the right. Korny would kill the Psions on the left when needed, and Cody would kill the ones on the right when needed. I stayed on the right, against the wall, moving front to back just killing adds. I spent a lot of time shooting across the room towards the left side to help keep Korny clear.

I'm not sure what classes you all are rocking, but the Arc supers all seem to work really well for add control. I was running my Stormcaller Warlock and popping my Super whenever it was ready to kill adds. Most supers seem pretty ineffectual against the boss, so use them liberally to stay alive and kill things. Pulse grenades are also really, really useful. You can just toss one at the spawn door and it basically just kills a whole group as they exit.

Swords are really good against the orange bars, as is Hawthorne's shotgun. Use Coldhearts if you have them to burn the boss, which frees up your heavy slot for something that's good against the orange bars.

Cool, thanks - this is exactly the sort of advice I was hoping for :). I've been using merciless on both orange health adds and boss (no problems with ammo), but maybe I'll try a coldheart / Linear Fusion combo tonight. Lord knows my submachinegun was mostly useless. Hawthorne's shotty is the bomb. I love using it in the baths. Which sounds weird now that I've typed it out. I wonder if our issue is that we have both tether hunters in the throne room so our only super for add control is a stormcaller? Tether is great for control, too, but you need concentrated adds in order to ensure you get full tether back up in time for the dps phase. Hmm... I wonder if I could tether the middle door on one side or the other and catch all of the adds as they spawn?

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