
PS4 Players, go pick up another raid clangram! (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Friday, September 22, 2017, 13:27 (2459 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Hmm... I wonder if I could tether the middle door on one side or the other and catch all of the adds as they spawn?

You sure can. Cody was running tether. I don't recall specifically about last night, but the few times we did the part before, he would tether the middle door and I'd use Stormtrance to mop up. The adds from the top right door also all pretty much always just come straight down, so you can tether them right as they hit the sun pillar and mop them up there pretty easily, too.

Cool! We'll try that tonight.

I typically saved my Empowering Rift with Arc Soul for extra boss damage, but having your Warlock switch to Healing Rift and placing it on whichever side is having the most trouble staying alive could also be beneficial. I'm not super sure how much having the Empowering Rift during the DPS phase for the boss really helped.

You can do both! We only have 1 warlock in our raid, and he runs healing rift until we stagger the skull belching and then changes to empowering rift. The ability is back up in time for the 3rd platform during the dps phase, and the arc souls last a bit past that, maybe halfway through the 4th platform. (we go dogs, axes, cup, sun so we do max damage on platforms 3 and 4).

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