No mention of Redeem's use of Wardcliff Coil glitch (Destiny)
This is true! I have little dogs in this fight, and no one likes little dogs. Except Paris Hilton. I guess I need to stop holding my moral standards as high for a video game. I would like to think if a solid DBO team was in the running for 'World's First' in any activity, we would try and do it without glitches, regardless of the actual reward. Some may disagree, but I would rather complete it in second without glitches, than first with. But again, little dogs in the fight.
Yeah, totally. in the end, the challenge and inherent fun is what's important. Like how our PS4 group can say with pride that we've never cheesed Calus. ;)
Bungie did acknowledge the complaints elsewhere, though and listed the first three so that you could pick the one that you assume didn't "cheat", and lob meaningless praise their way, for whatever it's worth to ya.
I did read that response as well, reddit I believe. And I agree, its rather meaningless. If this were the first blind raid, I would hope that they would not just give us the top 3 and let us decide.
I find that a lot of toxicity and unnecessary crap gets started thanks to all of these "First" guys. Just another reason to hate the "Race to the finish" mentality that people have.
BTW Glad you are feeling better. The Guantlet has that effect sometimes.
Yeah, thanks. I was perfectly fine until we got to the Gauntlet. The nausea hit me like a brick the first time I got teleported, and only got worse the longer I tried to play. Pretty much all light was making me feel dizzy, so I just went to bed, and it went away by the time I woke up a few hours later.
Complete thread:
- THAB 10-19-2017 -
2017-10-19, 17:03
- No mention of Festival of The Lost -
2017-10-19, 18:21
- Boo! ): - cheapLEY, 2017-10-19, 20:29
- No mention of Redeem's use of Wardcliff Coil glitch -
2017-10-20, 07:29
- No mention of Redeem's use of Wardcliff Coil glitch -
2017-10-20, 07:37
- No mention of Redeem's use of Wardcliff Coil glitch -
2017-10-20, 07:56
- No mention of Redeem's use of Wardcliff Coil glitch -
2017-10-20, 08:10
- Racing can be fun -
2017-10-20, 09:08
- Racing can be fun -
2017-10-20, 09:16
- Racing can be fun -
2017-10-20, 09:18
- Sorry about that -
2017-10-20, 09:20
- Sorry about that - MacAddictXIV, 2017-10-20, 09:21
- Sorry about that - Ragashingo, 2017-10-20, 09:21
- Sorry about that -
2017-10-20, 09:20
- Racing can be fun - breitzen, 2017-10-20, 09:25
- Racing can be fun -
2017-10-20, 09:18
- I believe you mean DBO Leviathan first :) -
2017-10-20, 09:17
- Yes. - MacAddictXIV, 2017-10-20, 09:20
- I call it the DBO-World First. -
2017-10-20, 09:22
- +1 - breitzen, 2017-10-20, 09:26
- Racing can be fun -
2017-10-20, 09:16
- Racing can be fun -
2017-10-20, 09:08
- No mention of Redeem's use of Wardcliff Coil glitch -
2017-10-20, 08:10
- No mention of Redeem's use of Wardcliff Coil glitch -
2017-10-20, 07:56
- No mention of Redeem's use of Wardcliff Coil glitch -
2017-10-20, 07:37
- No mention of Festival of The Lost -
2017-10-19, 18:21