
"It doesn't affect anyone so it's not a problem" (Destiny)

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Monday, November 20, 2017, 14:04 (2639 days ago) @ EffortlessFury

At least in my case, its primary launch content drought. The game is absolutely more fun than D1 (as a platform) ever was. However, its missing the larger volume of content D2 had amassed by the time TTK came out. If we had post TTK levels of content on top of D2's platform, I'd be way more inclined to play D2 than I ever was to play D1.

I wouldn't call it a launch drought (even though there is one to an extent). Any positive changes they made past TTK was essentially abandoned in D2. The game as a whole has taken a huge step backward. The vault system is a joke.. why are there more mods and shaders than you can actually carry? Any positives they added past TTK was ignored for the creation of D2. Heck, weapon archetypes have also reverted to where they were at for TTK.

Having .1% of D2's player base be unhappy, even if they were the most faithful and vocal of D1's players, means absolutely nothing. Why they were faithful toward a crap game (my opinion, of course) that didn't deserve that faithfulness is no reason to say that D2's positive changes weren't worth making.

The whole "friendships are the end game" statement that Deej made comes to mind here. In D1 even though the game was broken in many ways, you could still team up with 5 other friends and run raids and crucible together with no worries about having to kick someone from your group to change activities. This is just a bad decision by Bungie with how they approached D2.

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