
Last Light (Destiny)

by Durandal, Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 05:36 (2631 days ago) @ Kahzgul

It did seem like it was intended to be included. Lost Light, and the other larger maps like Skyshock were very haloesqe in design, with outside vehicle areas and smaller inside pedestrian areas.

I recall Bungie said they did not include the vehicle boarding aspects from Halo because they felt the super abilities covered for it, which is a pity. The "teleport in" used on the Drake tank just feels like neglect.

Bungie had a really good system by halo 3, with component damage, boarding, and specific anti-vehicle weapons. Destiny could really benefit from that same system. I really want a scarab fight in D2. It would really make the game feel larger. I had hopes the raid would have us board an imperial land tank on the move, and fight our way inside. Or chase a teleporting vex machine as it tries to eliminate failsafe.

It just seems like a lost opportunity on Bungie's side. especially if guardians built their warthog equivalents by scavenging parts from different locals.

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