Temporary fix. Turn TV HDR off. (Destiny)

by DEEP_NNN, Tuesday, December 05, 2017, 15:54 (2627 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN

If your TV supports HDR (High Dynamic Range) and you are experiencing input lag problems turn it off for the HDMI port your XB1X is plugged into.

Not all 4K HDR TVs will have this problem or it may be worse.

My TV is a LG UJ6500, a 2017 model. Input lag for most LG 2017 4K TV have been very good and in the 16 microsecond range with HDR on. I wasn't expecting problems but here they are. I'll now have to take my fight to LG.

It's so disappointing because D2 is remarkably gorgeous in HDR.

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