Temporary fix. Turn TV HDR off. (Destiny)

by DEEP_NNN, Thursday, December 07, 2017, 20:53 (2621 days ago) @ Vortech

The second workaround I found works perfectly and takes 5 seconds. Gorgeous HDR, no input lag or graphical problems.
It appears LG allows you to select game mode with HDR two ways. One creates serious input lag and one does not. Maybe it's just really poor documentation.

From The Fix:

3. Do not go into "All settings" mode to set the picture mode or any picture attributes like colour brightness etc. That's seems to be the source of my problem.

Not being able to calibrate my TV is not working "perfectly". I have a hard time calling it a fix, even. Now, I have not encountered the problem myself because I don't have an XBOneX yet, so I'm not planting a flag in the hill yet, but I know I need to be able to adjust the default profiles or I will be very unhappy.

I fully understand your concern. I am so happy the input lag went away, giving up calibrating the TV is a small sacrifice. That being said, I haven't tried any calibration settings after selecting Picture/Game as I described. I may try it soon.

I can say that on my LG UJ6500, Destiny 2 looks great in HDR with Wide Colour Gamut. I was afraid the blacks inside dark tunnels were going to be too dark with a blue haze. They turned out not so bad as I imagined. HDR enhances colour detail that are very helpful with tunnel navigation. LG LCD TV have poor black level too.

OLED for 2017 are going to be the big winners for HDR gaming. Perfect black levels and very wide colour gamut compliance. They come very close to the Dolby Vision standard for dark rooms. LCD for the most part can't reproduce much past HDR10. Nature of the beast.

Some people are going to be so shocked by the enhanced colours they might tone it down. I say spend a few hours with it and you'll wonder how you ever gamed without it. The enhanced colours and contrast give objects a more 3D look to them too.

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