
Thanks for the Raid Lair (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, January 04, 2018, 08:38 (2458 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Had a great time! For the record this was my second time through. I was with you about being quiet during the final dialogue because last time everyone was jabbering.

That's part of the reason I love my Astros. One of the cans is literally just two big buttons, so I can adjust the mix to all chat or all game with just a few taps. I did it when we finished Calus for the first time because everyone was still talking--three taps on the front of my right can and it was all game volume with no chat audio coming through so I could hear what he was saying.

Yeah, I think I mentioned in another post that I'm thinking of retiring my mixamp. My voice sounds like crap through it. Using the standard headset at the moment.

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