Possible D1 'Last Exit' Easter Egg Cipher Clue? (Destiny)
I might be reading way too much into this :)
However, there is an old Destiny 1 Easter Egg that I have not forgotten about from the crucible map 'Last Exit'.
Fun Easter Egg - Part Deux (Last Exit)
(if interested, you may also want to check out the first iteration of this Easter Egg from the original release of Destiny posted by Beorn)
Last Exit was a map that I think was released with Rise of Iron. The marquee sign character string was discovered shortly after the map was added to the crucible playlist. A few weeks later the Easter Egg was teased during one of the Rise of Iron Twitch streams by PvP Designer Derek Carroll.
I don't utilize Twitter but I try to keep up with Derek's Twitter. In the past, after the infamous teasing during the Twitch Stream, he has made a few casual replies to folks regarding this puzzle.
I had originally thought that the possible solution to the cryptographic cipher might involve a QWERTY keyboard. I also had the notion in the back of my head that the cipher might use another alternative keyboard layout. Derek might be left handed, perhaps he has a crazy left-handed keyboard? I also wondered about the standard iPhone keyboard (Derek uses an iPhone, this had been made clear at some point in the distant past). I have also considered the on screen keyboards used within the game consoles - the Xbox and PS4 both have a keyboard layout for typing messages, etc. I have a bunch of handwritted notes with the different keyboards symbols written out and such, but these never lead me to a smoking gun.
There are some others that have not quite forgotten about this puzzle. I have seen people pop up every now and again on the various sub-reddits asking if anyone has figured this cipher out yet - most are those that are still disappointed that it didn't involve a new exotic weapon e.g.->Black Spindle. I on the other hand love to puzzle, just to puzzle, for the love of the puzzle, and to try and understand the meaning behind it.
- Back in November around Thanksgiving, shortly after someone had popped up asking about this cipher again on Reddit, Derek posted a curious image to his personal website/tubmlr account linked to his Twitter account. It is a photo of his various prior cell phones all laid out.
- 2 days ago, on reddit someone popped up again asking about this cipher (on 2 of the different sub-reddits a day later). And 2 days ago Derek posted the same images of his prior cell phones - with one phone removed.
Could he have forgotten that he just posted this image 2 months ago to his tumblr, with no other posts between them? (when you go to make a new post wouldn't you at some point see the prior post you have made? Or after posting it and seeing your tumblr feed wouldn't you realize that you just double posted?)
Could the cipher involve the alternate keyboard layouts of his prior cell phones?
Remember the old T9 Multi-Tap Text messaging method, before cell phones had full physical keyboards or touch screens with on screen keyboards? There is a known cipher that uses standard T9 text method/multi-tap to encode a message as a string of numerical values(1-9).
I don't think it would be totally unheard of to use an object like a cell phone, sort of like a book/object from a traditional "Book Cipher" where it may hold the key to the cipher.
Lastly, on the map Last Exit there is a nearby door with what is supposed to be a security code entry pad (same art and texture used in other places of the game). The key layout is in a T9 layout.
Am I on to something?
Or on something?
Complete thread:
- Possible D1 'Last Exit' Easter Egg Cipher Clue? -
2018-01-24, 14:19
- Possible D1 'Last Exit' Easter Egg Cipher Clue? - dogcow, 2018-01-24, 15:26