Neighborhood Games in Destiny (Destiny)
Oholiab started a thread below looking for stealthy games, a Kick the Can subthread got started, so instead of hijacking Oho's post, I'll just start a new topic.
What are some "old school" neighborhood games that could be re-purposed into a Destiny variant? Perhaps this is a continuation of a previous post of mine.
Kick the Can
Each team starts with one life per player. If you die, you are sent to "jail" which would be an area on the map protected by a shield. Nothing can go in or out. The objective is to send all opponents to jail. If you do so, round over, the winning team gets a point. But if a surviving player can reach their jail to release their team, everyone is back in play until they die and are sent back to jail.
Use the 3 control points and when you die, you are sent to the closest control point as jail. Both teams would be merged. So, inside one jail you might have 2 teammates and 1 enemy. To release your teammates, you'll also release 1 enemy. As soon as the shields drop, it's on.
Either as a rumble or team, its a slayer gametype where one person is "It". Kills are worth 1, unless you are "It", then your kills are worth 3 (or whatever). If you kill the "It" player, you become "It".
Hide and Seek
Rumble variant - Snipers only - everything is one shot kill all the time. First to [xx] kills wins.
Complete thread:
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 13:59
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 14:05
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 14:12
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 14:30
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 15:02
- Offensive name incoming. - Funkmon, 2018-01-29, 21:05
- Odd Ball! ;)
- dogcow, 2018-01-30, 09:37
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 15:02
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 14:30
- You can play tag... - Up North 65, 2018-01-29, 23:55
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 14:12
- Neighborhood Games in Destiny -
2018-01-29, 14:05