
Free game preview is free, bro. (Gaming)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, March 02, 2018, 07:40 (2307 days ago) @ cheapLEY

So I assume that the admins are planning to play together. Send me an email with your weekend availability if you want to play with me. Thanks.

I'll look into it. I'll have to look at it a bit before I decide to drop the money for it. I'm going to order a modmic this weekend so I can finally have chat capabilities on Xbox.

Are you going to get Sea of Thieves, Kermit?

Sea of Thieves beta is this weekend. Maybe everyone is planning on playing that. I'd like to play with others if something is planned. [Cough]I'm easy to contact.[Cough]

No one has suggested a time to me (publicly or privately) regarding Deep Rock Galactic.

I'll plan on playing at 8:30 EST next Wednesday.

I’ll download the preview, but it’s only 60 minutes right? I don’t even have a working mic for Xbox yet, but should by next week. I’ll let you know and we can try Deep Rock Galactic.

If it's fun, I'll buy it. Hope you can play.

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