
My Perspective (Gaming)

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Friday, March 09, 2018, 07:32 (2300 days ago) @ stabbim

Here are the last 30 seconds. You can see how I've actually managed to clip outside the geometry a bit. If I hadn't I probably wouldn't have found Malagate's tunnel as we were digging parallel to each other. Once I saw where his tunnel was I adjusted my digging to go toward it and that's the only reason I made it!


Here is the whole 5 minutes prior to our escape. You can see I know that I need to go up so I just choose a tunnel that goes higher, but it actually ends up taking me away from the drop pod. Since I don't know where to go and I'm the digger class I decide to just start digging to the drop pod and hope that I can make it. But when I run out of fuel for the drills I know I'll never be able to tunnel all the way to the drop pod on my own so I ask someone if they can start tunneling towards me in the hopes that might save me!


The funny thing about all of this is I usually know exactly where I am on a map, but in the caves it can be easy to get lost (plus the drop pod doesn't return to the same location it dropped you off at so you aren't just backtracking). Usually I'm the first one to reach the drop pod, but this time everyone else made it while I got lost. :P

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