
Ancient Earth Music, Ana Bray, and the Gods of Mars. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, March 07, 2018, 10:21 (2530 days ago) @ Durandal

I see the messages as a question of Succession in the Warmind community. You have two references to princes being demoted, and then celebrations of royal succession.

One thing I was getting was both of the stories had women heavily involved in the stories helping out royalty or some such thing. I’ll have to look closer but could that be part of the intent there?

If Rasputin shrugged, he may no longer be in charge of the overall Warmind network. I suspect that the main planets all had Warminds of equal capability, and that was done as a reduntant backup such that if Rasputin was taken out other warminds could take over and continue fighting. This is why Rapsutin has to take general command at the outset of the Darkness's arrival, and why his secret Loki Crown plan had a "no AI COM" review stamp.

Rasputin is called “first-among-equals” in Ghost Fragment: Old Russia 3. From the general feel of things, its always looked to me like Rasputin lead Humanity’s forces (including its other Warminds) in a losing struggle against the Darkness and that Rasputin eventually went his own way only after the other Warminds had been killed.

If, as we have seen from Saladin's comments that Rasputin is no longer operating directly under the warmind procedures, the other warminds may no longer see him as a legitimate leader. In that case Charlemagne or others may vie for overal network control.

In addition, the Seraphs, of which Clovis Bray was undoubtedly a part, may still be active and manipulating the Warminds and Rasputin specifically. Someone has been entering Rasputin's vault using legitimate command codes and retina patterns for a long time. This has to be EXOs, since humans wouldn't live long enough and it does not appear to have been any Guardians known by the Iron Lords or the Vanguard.

This leaves Clovis, who saw death as "the edge of the map" and as such undoubtedly became an Exo prior to the Collapse. It also fits with "Felwinter" having to take a pseudonym, as he could be another Bray Exo and as such is being sought for additional warmind codes.

Felwinter taking a pseudonym is one of the most interesting, out of the way, barely mentioned mysteries in all of Destiny. It make me happy that someone else knows about it! It is super interesting that it was (probably) a Ghost that told the Exo that became known as Felwinter to change his name. Tying that back to the Bray family is a neat idea indeed!

Ana Bray isn't an Exo as far as we know, so she may not have known the details of the post collapse Bray plan, but she certainly would have sought out more information if only out of curiosity about her past. She may have discovered a part of the truth, or the existence of the Seraphs post Twilight Gap and had to hide in order to escape their attention. She's also tied to the Vex, and the probes seem to specifically effect the Vex. The Warminds were in part designed based on the clear threat the Vex represented to early Humanity. The Vex were heavily studied and had Warminds dedicated to that study. The probes may have been an attempt to get more guardian support, but then the Seraph's intervened and wiped them.

My guess is the Seven Seraph organization is all dead. They have barely ever been mentioned and the best mention was the Cosmodrome ride along stream several years ago. In it, Bungie said that the Seven Seraphs helped build (some of?) the Warmind bunkers in case of massive external attack. I’ve always attributed the authorized entrances to Rasputin’s bunker to the Exo Stranger... Or perhaps “Felwinter.”

Hmm... now that you bring it up, maybe Felwinter’s Lie wasn’t his fake offer of peace to Citan but was instead his false name?? I’m pretty sure Felwinter’s SIVA-ed remains are one of the three Guardians we fight at the end of the Lords of Iron though... Along with Jolder... and someone else...

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