
A Day on the High Seas (Gaming)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 08:50 (2383 days ago) @ cheapLEY

I won’t say much, as I don’t want to just be a downer, but I wish I enjoyed the game. It’s gorgeous and interesting in concept. Just feels hollow and empty without any really compelling gameplay to lean on. I can understand using it as a platform for hanging out with friends, I totally get that, but I’d rather play Destiny for that.

Right. It's a "make your own fun" game, and it's fine for that, but there are better games to do that in (Deep Rock, anyone?), and for far less than the AAA $60 asking price.
If you got it through Game Pass, I feel like that's a far better way to experience it, but again, even in the Game pass, there are better options.

I don't want to be a downer about it either, since I had lots of fun in the Betas, but the diminishing returns inherent in that game's fun are going to hurt it reaaaaal soon, and the game's Executive Producer is already fielding these questions with "We plan to grow the game down the road" answers, which is... Well, both a canned answer, and an acknowledgement that yeah, folks are seeing most of what the game has to offer already.

As seems to be the case all too often anymore, Sea of Thieves seems like a game that might be worth revisiting in 18 months after they’ve added a whole bunch of stuff.

Totally. I was discussing that with Paddy and Snipe last night (Snipe's been enjoying it), but the issue that I saw was that Rare is super slow at developing anything (the game's been in the works since 2014, and look at how barebones and unpolished it is at launch). Unlike certain other games (did we mention that part II of noclip's doc is up?), there's not enough apparent potential to say "this will be completely different a year from now, and loaded with content).
The core gameplay loop simply isn't sustainable long term, but I really hope that rare pulls through with a miracle, especially since there aren't a whole lot of big sandbox multiplayer games coming out soon.

Realistically speaking, though, all the kids will probably be back to their Fortnites and PUBGs in a week or two, causing the game world to be devoid of all but the most dedicated players.

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