
Expansion 2: Warmind launches May 8 (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 19:20 (2495 days ago) @ stabbim

That's the thing.

I'm not sure those people understand exactly why they want it, but I do think they want random rolls. The vocal Destiny community wants a reason to play the game for 1000 hours, and if that reason is playing the same strike 500 times to get the god roll strike specific weapon, then damnit, that's what they want to do.

I wouldn't be upset at more gear to chase, more specific loot from specific activities. I wouldn't mind a bit of randomness. I just hope Bungie walks a fine line. I don't want the return of keeping a vault stuffed full of random shit just in case the meta changes.

Bungie is in a really unenviable position here. They do have a fine line to try and walk. They get it from both sides, and as soon as they bring back random rolls and whatever else, they're going to catch shit from a different group of people. I hope they make good decisions that they feel confident with, and not just decisions they think the vocal community wants them to make.

The new weapon slots are a good example. I like the old system better, but they made a decision and tried something new--I can't (or won't) blame them for that, and I won't hold it against them. I'd much rather an imperfect game Bungie feels confident in or wanted to make than the community designed-by-committee game that reddit seems to be pushing for. I want Bungie to feel like they can make drastic, interesting choices and changes and not feel like like they have to bow to reddit and twitter.

I don't necessarily think Bungie is doing that--I suspect that maybe they are just taking community feedback to heart and making smart changes that they want to make. Pre-release interviews and podcasts gave me the impression that there was a lot of debate in the studio about the weapon slot changes, the crucible changes, etc, so maybe this is just a matter of "we tried something new and it didn't work" rather than "we better change it back to get players back."

I dunno. It really seems like they can't win.

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