
Resolution vs Effects (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Saturday, June 30, 2018, 18:37 (2152 days ago) @ Revenant1988

This car looks great but drives like crap.

Okay… but what would you rather have? A car that looks AND drives great? Or a great drive that doesn’t look good? I don’t understand how your point is related to the fact that better graphics make the game better.

Haha, I know you don't understand, and that's ok :)

For me, function always wins over fashion.

Your analogy doesn't speak to me because all the cars I've ever had were not the best looking- but they worked well.

Better graphics do not make a game better. (I was really excited to try Agony, it looks great, but it plays bad)

That doesn't mean improvements in graphics can't be appreciated- they just aren't important to what makes something 'fun'.

I would bet a million dollars that a low res 1996ish version of a Journey would have been panned. Read any review: every single one talks about the game’s beauty being part of the enjoyment.

All other things being equal, would you rather be in a good looking environment or a bad one? No sane person would say a bad one.

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