
I agree with the idea behind Cody's argument, but... (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, July 03, 2018, 07:24 (2342 days ago) @ Korny

Tl;dr, player choice is the ideal solution (everyone, be more like DE!), but right now, 1080p is the gold standard. 4k is the future, but the race to jump on it comes as a detriment to the player experience.

Also think about the fact that 2K (2048 x 1080) has long been, and still is a cinema standard, where screens are 25 FEET or more. The CGI work in the Martian looked pretty damn realistic on the big screen right? Guess what, it was 2K.

I dunno about all of that tangent, since it has absolutely nothing to do with games or modern gaming hardware, making it moot and dumb.

It has everything to do with what I am saying. 2K is 'good enough', where passing it creates sharply diminishing returns on normal sized screens, especially if you really use great rendering techniques.

The exception is of course VR. VR games absolutely need about 10x the resolution they currently have.

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