
Hi! I'm GrizzNKev. (DBO)

by GrizzNKev, Down the street from Microsoft, Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 20:20 (4096 days ago)

I guess there's no point in hiding any kind of secret identity, especially since I've already spotted another Grizz 'round these parts.

I'm Kevin Grismore, and I'm a Bungie fanboy. I'm also a programmer, a musician, and a student. My primary goal in life is to be employed by the magical entity that prefaces Destiny in my browser's address bar. I left my entire life behind to move from Florida to Washington to be a part of a brand new major at a specialized school, and if I do things right I think I may eventually land where I want at the end of this journey.

Before all of that, though, Bungie is releasing a new video game. My history on the internet has its origins in 4chan's /v/, though for the last few years I've tried to make myself known around NeoGAF. Since I wasn't part of the old guard of the Halo community there, I often felt a bit left out and tossed in with all the new people that arrived for Halo 4. As events unfolded, it turned out I wasn't the biggest fan of Halo 4 and the community around it doesn't really feel right for me. So much anger, so much conflict. I'm tired of arguing with people and want to start over somewhere else in a way that allows me to be more positive and more constructive. At some point during PAX Prime I hunted down a few people wearing DBO shirts and gave them a few passes since I wasn't going to be able to make it to the last two days. I know from ncsuDuncan that DBO is an incredibly positive and supportive place, so I wanted to contribute to that somehow. Now I'm posting here for real.


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