Raid Difficulty is... Troubling (Destiny)

by digital_ronin, Tuesday, September 18, 2018, 14:36 (2334 days ago) @ Cody Miller

What platform are you on? You could always join DBO. We enjoy raids!

PS4. I'm lucky to have a team that raids most Friday nights, but life means I can't raid every week. Anyone if free to friend me on PSN, I'm Digital_Ronin there, just put DBO in the message.

What is the prime engram exploit? It's a way to get lots of prime engrams? How is it done? Asking for a friend.

There was a way of keeping around the prime engram buff by not picking up engrams. One of the Dreaming City lost sectors had a pretty high chance of dropping a prime engram. So teams would run it to the boss, kill it. Possible get a prime engram and then wipe/reset it and do it again. Eventually they would build up a pool of prime engrams to turn in bumping up their light level faster.

I distinctly remember Luke Smith talking about how only 25% of people completed a raid in Destiny prior to Des2ny's release. They wanted that number higher. So why the change? Again, the solution is staring them right in the face: multiple light level difficulties!

I don't get this either. I remember the feedback about wanting to keep escalation protocol relevant after warmind. So what did they do, artificial difficulty through light level increase. Huh? That doesn't make sense. Attaching a powerful reward to it, sure. Updating it to provide year 2 gear, that works too.

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