
AI-COM//MDSA: FARFLUNG//C3I//COVERT *Spoilers* (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, November 07, 2018, 21:16 (2277 days ago) @ Phoenix_9286
edited by cheapLEY, Wednesday, November 07, 2018, 22:16

Ugh. When the next update for Elite drops, I'm for sure ducking out for a few weeks. The entire game just feels draining.

It's a little ironic to be complaining about having to grind, then planning on playing Elite.

I genuinely enjoy Elite, but, damn, talk about having to grind. That game is basically 100% grind!

I understand where you're coming from, even if I disagree. Yeah, the soft cap and progression thereafter genuinely sucks. But I feel the complete opposite about the Dreaming City. It is so crammed full of worthwhile, fun things to do. I do wish there was a more gently ramp-up into the Dreaming City. It felt like the Tangled Shore got abandoned really fast. You get into the Dreaming City at a low enough level that it legitimately feels like you're not supposed to be there yet, but you're also well past the soft cap by that point, so the Tangled Shore feels pointless in terms of gaining power. It's really a messy portion of Forsaken, I think.

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