Season 4 End Date (Destiny)

by Pyromancy @, Saturday, November 10, 2018, 14:04 (2306 days ago) @ Korny
edited by Pyromancy, Saturday, November 10, 2018, 14:52

  • If you're doing the Luna's Howl or Not Forgotten quests, both require you to prestige your Crucible Rank. If you haven't done that by November 27, your progress will be reset.

Season 4 Ends in 19 days!!?!!? And we are just finding out about this, for the very first time, right now??????!
Honestly, for whatever reason (probably lack of clear communication) I thought I had, at least, until the Luna's Howl Bungie Reward offer expired (12/31) or through The Holiday into next year...

By my unofficial calculations:
Season 1 was 90 days (effectively only 43 days because Seasons were announced, by surprise, halfway through the first Season)
Season 2 was 154 days
Season 3 was 119 days
Season 4 will be 84 days (a short season that also coincides with a large content overhaul)

Timeline:09-06-17 Game Launch
10-23-17 Season 1 Launch Announcement TwitchCon
12-05-17 Curse Of Osiris Launch day
05-08-18 Warmind Launch Day
09-04-18 Forsaken Launch Day
11-27-18 Season 4 End Date

09-06-17 through 10-23-17 47 days
10-23-17 through 12-05-17 43 days
Season 1 - 90 days effectively 43 days

12-05-17 through 05-08-18
Season 2 - 154 days

05-08-18 through 09-04-18
Season 3 - 119 Days

09-04-18 through 11-27-18
Season 4 - 84 days

The Season (likely) with the largest amount of content and the most things to do in it (it is overwhelming), is also the shortest running Season thus far?

I've been trying to work towards Luna's Howl, Ace of Spades, and other various Triumphs since the game launch, so much so that I have forgone completing The Dreaming City's first mission.
I forced myself to finish Ace's last step just before the Reward Shirt deadline. My progress for Luna's is at a standstill/most recent backslide and now my progress is going to be reset on me?

Is there a checklist anywhere of ALL the triumphs/quests/items that will be locked out when Season 4 ends?

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