The "Front Page" hasn't been updated in a month. (DBO)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, November 16, 2018, 09:02 (2134 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

It's seemingly obvious this place is rarely going to get updated any more, if ever

Well, this seems pretty unfair, to me. Yes, it's true that the front page has been neglected for a while... but with the exception of yesterday (when I was traveling from 5am local time until 11:30pm local time - gotta love the first snowstorm of the year), the TWAB is localized and archived within a couple of hours of being posted. (Yesterday's is up now.) Any patchnotes are localized and archived within a couple of hours of posting. Our cutscene library is up to date, and of better quality than any other on the internet.

I apologize for the lack of front-page posts; I've been dealing with some personal stuff for the past 6 weeks. I plan to get back to it, though; the idea that you think it's obvious that it'll never be updated again is actually offensive, and I'm not sure what might have given you that idea.

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