
Just blueberry things (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Monday, November 19, 2018, 08:51 (2272 days ago) @ Cody Miller

• Camping heavy ammo in PvP, dying immediately.
• Repeatedly dying in a specific place, repeatedly returning to same place.
• Standing right by your revive icon in the haunted forest for a considerable amount of time, killing baddies, then running away without reviving you.
• Using supers and heavies on the boss in strikes while they are immune instead of waiting 3 seconds.
• Entering team voice chat. I don't even know how to do that, nor have desire to.

Side note, I'm pretty sure I hardcore blueberried a few players a couple weeks ago. I picked up the biggest spider bounty where a guy randomly appears in the EDZ. I camped the area for about 30 minutes waiting for him. Got bored, was piddling in my menu. When I came out, he was just standing right in front of me, full health. I melted him immediately and pretty sure I did it before anyone else got a chance to land bullets on him. After I killed him, all the other players just started shooting me until I left the area.

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