And you're immature (Destiny)

by EffortlessFury @, Monday, November 19, 2018, 09:53 (2272 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

Just because you don't like something doesn't mean other's are stupid for liking it.

And you probably shouldn't reinterpret a simple statement and then treat is as literal. Especially when the original statement came from Funkmon... Also, leading with an insult is also not especially nice and is a sign of immaturity.

Reinterpret? Everyone interprets, that's how communication works. Why shouldn't I treat it as literal? I think it makes as much sense to treat it literally as it does to not treat it literally; this, however, irked me.

I also did consider the fact that I was being sharp and a bit rude but I decided to do so anyway as I was responding in kind with that which was given.

Honestly, he could've been joking, and that's fine. I responded to highlight that it didn't come across that way. Up to him whether he wants to reconsider how he phrases things.

I, personally, find this particular meme to be chuckleworthy almost every time I see it. It brings me joy. I do not appreciate the connotative connection between that joy and stupidity.

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