
About to stream a solo Shattered Throne run (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, February 20, 2019, 21:26 (2172 days ago) @ Your Accomplice

What weapon and class set up did you use?

I ran nightstalker through the entire thing.

My initial loadout was:

• Blast Furnace
• IKELOS Shotgun
• Sleeper Simulant

• Orpheus Rigs w/ Taken Barrier Mod (<- this mod saved me many times)
• All other armor pieces had Transcendant Blessings mods

The first area went smoothly enough. After clearing it and dropping down into the second area, I switched my kinetic weapon over to a Spiteful Fang (Bow) to take care of all the long-range snipers and Phalanxes in the atrium. I had a crazy battle with the Taken Captain outside the atrium. He kept falling off the edge, then reappearing behind me, then disappearing, reappearing, attacking me, disappearing again, etc. I never did kill him. He finally just vanished and didn’t return. I spent the rest of the mission looking over my shoulder, half expecting him to materialize at the worst possible time.

Once I crossed the atrium and reached the catwalks, I switched my boots over to the Stomp-EEs to help with the jumping. I made several bad jumps that should have ended my run, but managed to recover through sheer force of will :)

After the catwalks, I switched back to Orpheus Rigs and swapped my primary over to Breakneck. That weapon along with near-infinite tethers made the slow-motion thrallway a piece of cake.

Beyond the thrallway, I swapped weapons again. I changed my kinetic to a Threat Level (Shotgun) and my energy weapon to a Subtle Calamity (void bow). I made my way towards the Ogre boss and entered his chamber with no Shotgun ammo, and only 4 rounds in my Sleeper, which was more than a little stressful.

I handled the Ogre fight very slowly and methodically. As soon as the Wizards spawn, I’d fire a tether at the one right next to me (directly below the entrance to the room). That way the wizard and it’s compliment of snipers and goblins wouldn’t bother me for the first 10-15 seconds. I’d carefully clear out all the adds around each wizard (mostly with my bow), then weaken the wizards, then do a lap around the room, killing each wizard quickly with my bow and shotgun. Once the damage phase started, I’d hit the boss with Sleeper and swap to my Threat Level to take out the orbs he was shooting at me.

In total, it took me 3 damage phases to beat the Ogre. I had a near disaster while clearing the 3rd round of adds, when I accidentally killed one of the wizards early. Luckily I had a tether handy to deal with the cluster of enemies that remained guarding one of the other wizards, and I made it through in time.

With the Ogre boss complete, I re-equipped the Spiteful Fang and IKELOS Shotgun, and ditched my Sleeper Simulant in favor of Whisper of the Worm. My climb up to the final boss was mostly uneventful. When I reached the 2nd Thrallway, I equipped Breakneck in my primary slot, and used it in conjunction with my tether to farm the infinitely-spawning thrall until there were enough ammo bricks on the ground to fill my energy and power weapons. I used Spiteful Fang one last time while crossing the Mario Wall, then back to Breakneck and up to the final boss.

My approach to the final boss was textbook for a nightstalker. I started by tethering the 3 nights, launched myself at the Taken spawning on the left side of the room and killed them quickly with a grenade/shotgun combo. Then I went back towards the middle, launched another tether which grabbed the remaining Taken so I could clear them up quickly. I then turned towards the 3 knights who were now clustered right next to each other near the room’s entrance. I fired my tether at them and unloaded my shotgun into them. They all dropped fast. I picked up the 3 orbs, took cover behind one of the pillars, and shot the boss 8 times in the face with Whisper. /end

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