
That's a pinch presumptuous... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, March 01, 2019, 16:47 (2163 days ago) @ Korny

I mean, I knew ahead of time, and never remembered to get around to it until a few days before it ended.

You'd be surprised at how much info is pumped through the gaming airways alone, and how much of that becomes white noise.
I never got any of the other IKELOS weapons back when I cared, because I couldn't remember to run it on the week of the sniper/SMG.
I never got the Wishender bow, because I can't keep track of when it's available (I know it was available last week, but I never got around to running it, because other games had my attention).

If Destiny is all you play (or the main game you play), then yeah, I can see where you're coming from, but judging from my friend lists, that's hardly the case for most folks.

To your point, I’d guess that I put more hours into the game than most players, I spend a good chunk of time here and on Reddit daily, and I had no idea that Thunderlord was a limited-time quest. I did the quest, but I was completely unaware that it was going away.

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