
That's a pinch presumptuous... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, March 01, 2019, 20:39 (2163 days ago) @ Ragashingo

It was mentioned a few places. The @destinythegame twitter account a few days before the quest went away and in the Weekly Update of the week the cosmodrome step debuted. So the info was certainly there, but I was a little surprised at how few “times almost up” warnings there were. I don’t think there was a warning on the last day, for instance.

If there was an in-game prompt, I certainly missed it. I don’t have Twitter, and I skip more of the TWABs than I read. All of which is on me. I’m just saying that it’s fully possible to be entirely engrossed in playing the game and still miss many of the little particulars of Destiny life. Also, it never would have occurred to me that a quest for a weapon would be limited time only. I’m still confused by that decision.

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