
THAB 5.30.19--More Season of Opulence info (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Saturday, June 01, 2019, 04:55 (1783 days ago) @ cheapLEY

Unlike past Crucible Pinnacle weapons, you will not have to reach Fabled. Instead, you will have to earn a total of 3500 Glory points. This means that losing no longer matters, but it can potentially take a lot longer. Not sure how to feel about this change.

This is a great change. The purpose of any competitive matching system should be to create good matches. Linking a skill-as-progression pinnacle reward runs counter to this purpose. It encourages people to game the system and then stop playing when they get the reward, which throws off the normal distribution you want for good matches. Simply achieving 3500 points should not have this negative effect.

Bungie learned this lesson in Halo 3, came up with a good system in Reach to avoid it, invented Trials in Destiny (which sidesteps the issue entirely by being a tournament-based system), and then gave up on that for whatever reason. Then they added a competitive playlist in Destiny 2, appended fantastic rewards on to achieving skill levels (even more problematic than Halo 3's issues). Now it looks like they are reversing course again. It would be interesting to know how (or if) these philosophies are maintained internally.

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