
Luna’s Howl has been straight-up murdered (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, June 05, 2019, 12:22 (2017 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I don't play competitive that often, or even PvP for that matter. I also don't consider myself a terrible PvP player, but nothing is more annoying than rounding a corner and getting two tapped and dying before I can even respond. It brought be back to the days of D1 sniper fest where you couldn't contest. Yeah, I'm sure it takes skill, but it also kills the game for others.

I totally think it deserved a nerf, I'm honestly sorry it got nerfed the way it did. And maybe I would feel differently if I had it, but being on the receiving end as much and as often as I have without having a fighting chance just felt bad. I hope they make it more fun for you in the future.

I'm not trying to say that your experience is wrong by any means, I'm just putting up another experience on the other side.

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