
Raiding, to blind or not to blind (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Thursday, June 27, 2019, 14:27 (1995 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Example: Final fight, crystals. You've got what... 10 seconds? If you get there, don't destroy the crystal, and one of the pair dies, there isn't enough time to recover. Guaranteed wipe. No recovery possible. (I mentioned this to someone last night, and they said they hadn't had any trouble with that - even if someone died, "another pair could come over and sub in." Our experience directly contradicted that solution; with 3 or 4 seconds left on the clock, it didn't matter HOW fast you could run, you couldn't get to the crystal before time ran out.

We "recovered" a few times during our attempts last night, although we were not successful overall. In order to provide help, you have to be aware of the status of the other two groups, to the point where you are already headed over to help before the failure has occurred. In order to be aware of what the other teams are doing, you need to have your area completely under control, which is easier said than done. This encounter requires a lot of mental bandwidth, and at this point I don't think most people have fully internalized the normal sequences to be able to deviate and recover.

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